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react - ensure css loaded before iframe renders

Dealing with a flash of unstyled content issue. I've got a chat widget that is injected onto users' pages. So that I don't clash with existing styles. I'm rendering in an iframe using react-frame-component. This works pretty nicely, but one problem I have is with the CSS.

react-frame-component accepts a prop head that you can use to pass a link to a stylesheet. Using MiniCSSExtractPlugin, I am able to get my css into a separate file that I can then link to:

render(props, state) {
  return (
      head={<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />}
      <ChatWidget />

With this, I get the dreaded flash of unstyled content. I think it's because everything including <ChatWidget> renders before the css can be fully downloaded.

Is there a way I can ensure the CSS is downloaded before everything renders?

Also, not sure if it matters, but I'm using Preact.


  • I ended up writing my own iframe component, using some tips from react-frame-component but writing it in a way I could be sure I had control over how it rendered. Here's what my iframe component looks like (note this uses Preact, which has some minor differences from React - it would be very easy to replicate this in React):

    import {h, Component, createRef} from 'preact';
    import {createPortal} from 'preact/compat';
    import {cssLink} from '../utilities';
    export default class Frame extends Component {
      iframeNode = createRef();
      iframeTest = document.createElement('iframe');
      static initialContent() {
        return `<!DOCTYPE html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${cssLink}"></head><body></body></html>`;
      componentDidMount() {
        this.iframeNode.addEventListener('load', this.handleLoad);
      handleLoad = () => {
        this.iframeRoot = this.iframeNode.contentDocument.body;
      sourceProp() {
        const canUseSrcDoc = 'srcdoc' in this.iframeTest;
        if (canUseSrcDoc) {
          return {
            srcdoc: Frame.initialContent(),
        // inserting Frame.initialContent() as the src is a hack for older browsers
        // to allow inserting our stylesheet before the children render, preventing
        // flashes of unstyled content
        return {
          src: `javascript: '${Frame.initialContent()}'`,
      render(props) {
        const {children,} = props;
        return (
            ref={ref => (this.iframeNode = ref)}
            {this.iframeRoot && createPortal(children, this.iframeRoot)}