I'm trying to testing a @Controller class where there is a List from a pojo's. I can use @Autowired in another @RestController class to wire the controller, but in the same situation I can't do it into a Test.
@Data //from lombok
public class User {
private String Id;
private String email;
//constructor + getters and setters
public class UserController {
private List<User> userRepo = new ArrayList<>();
public UserController() {}
public List<User> readAll() {
return userRepo;
public void add(User user) {
In the next class, UserResource.java I can do @Autowired
public class UserResource {
public static final String USER = "/users";
private UserController userController;
public UserResource(UserController userController) {
this.userController = userController;
public List<User> readAll() {
return userController.readAll();
public void addUser(@RequestBody User user) {
However, into the test class UserTest.java. I can't:
@SpringBootTest(classes = {cat.jhz.Main.MainApp.class})
public class UserTest {
// @Autowired **//NOT HERE** --> ERROR
private UserController userRepo;
@Autowired **//AND NOT HERE** --> ERROR
public UserResource(UserController userController) {
this.userController = userController;
void testAddUserToUserController() {
The error message is Could not autowire. No beans of 'UserController' type found.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
Simply but not so great - add annotation @ComponentScan to UserTest class