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RCP icons with decorator have black background on macOS

When in my RCP application a decorator is added to an icon in a TreeViewer, the background of the icon is black on macOS.

enter image description here

The decorator shown is simple:

public class GroupDecorator extends LabelProvider implements ILightweightLabelDecorator {

  public static final String IMAGE_PATH = "overlays/folder_decorator.png";

  public void decorate(Object o, IDecoration decoration) {
    if(o instanceof Group<?> 
       && !(o instanceof IISO27Scope)
       && !(o instanceof Asset)
       && !(o instanceof ImportBpGroup)) {

Full source code is on GitHub:

You can find the decorator image file here: overlays/folder_decorator.png

Eclipse RCP version is 2019-06 / 4.12. MacOS version is Catalina 10.15.2. The shown problem does not occur on Linux and on Windows. It also does not occur with Eclipse RCP 4.7 on macOS Catalina.

How can I make the background white?


  • This looks like the SWT bug - and has been fixed in Eclipse 2020-03.