I am working on a post system with likes where the user can toggle the post`s like I have done everything correctly except the last step, the problem inside my v-for loop I fetch likes table from post-like relation(many to many since likes table has user_id and post_id) but it is iterating my button even when I add a condition look here-> duplicated like button, I have tried many things v-if, v-show I think the problem is with my algorithm I hope someone can fix that for me thanks.
<div class="panel panel-white post panel-shadow" v-for="post in posts" >
<div class="post-heading">
<div class="pull-left image">
<img v-bind:src="'img/profile/' + post.user.photo" class="img-circle avatar" alt="user profile image">
<div class="pull-left meta">
<div class="title h5">
<a href="#"><b>{{post.user.name}} </b></a>
made a post.
<h6 class="text-muted time">{{post.created_at | hour}}</h6>
<div class="post-description">
<div class="stats">
<button class="btn btn-default stat-item" @click.prevent="addLike(post.id)">
<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up" aria-hidden="false" style="color: blue" v-for="(like) in post.likes" v-bind:style="like.user_id===id && like.post_id===post.id?'color: blue;':'color: gray;'" > Like {{post.likes.length}}
</i> <!-- here is the duplicate problem-->
<a class="btn btn-default stat-item" @click.prevent>
<i class="fa fa-reply-all"> {{post.comments.length}}</i> Comments
<comment-input :post="post" :userId="id" :userPhoto="userPhoto"></comment-input>
<ul class="comments-list" v-for="comment in post.comments?post.comments:''">
<comments :comment="comment" :userId="id" :userPhoto="userPhoto"></comments>
Don't loop through the button element, try to use a method likedBythisUser
to check if the current user liked the post in order to bind it to the button style :
return post.likes.find(like=>{
return like.user_id===id && like.post_id===post.id;
}) // return a boolean value
template :
<button class="btn btn-default stat-item" @click.prevent="addLike(post.id)">
<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up" aria-hidden="false" style="color: blue" bind:style="likedBythisUser(post,id)?'color: blue;':'color: gray;'" > Like {{post.likes.length}}
</i> <!-- here is the duplicate problem-->