I have a string in a loop and for every loop, it is filled with texts the looks like this:
"123 hello everybody 4"
"4567 stuff is fun 67"
"12368 more stuff"
I only want to retrieve the first numbers up to the text in the string and I, of course, do not know the length.
Thanks in advance!
If the number is at the start of the string:
("123 hello everybody 4").replace(/(^\d+)(.+$)/i,'$1'); //=> '123'
If it's somewhere in the string:
(" hello 123 everybody 4").replace( /(^.+)(\w\d+\w)(.+$)/i,'$2'); //=> '123'
And for a number between characters:
("hello123everybody 4").replace( /(^.+\D)(\d+)(\D.+$)/i,'$2'); //=> '123'
A regular expression to match all numbers in a string:
"4567 stuff is fun4you 67".match(/^\d+|\d+\b|\d+(?=\w)/g); //=> ["4567", "4", "67"]
You can map the resulting array to an array of Numbers:
"4567 stuff is fun4you 67"
.map(function (v) {return +v;}); //=> [4567, 4, 67]
Including floats:
"4567 stuff is fun4you 2.12 67"
.map(function (v) {return +v;}); //=> [4567, 4, 2.12, 67]
If the possibility exists that the string doesn't contain any number, use:
( "stuff is fun"
.match(/\d+\.\d+|\d+\b|\d+(?=\w)/g) || [] )
.map(function (v) {return +v;}); //=> []
So, to retrieve the start or end numbers of the string 4567 stuff is fun4you 2.12 67"
// start number
var startingNumber = ( "4567 stuff is fun4you 2.12 67"
.match(/\d+\.\d+|\d+\b|\d+(?=\w)/g) || [] )
.map(function (v) {return +v;}).shift(); //=> 4567
// end number
var endingNumber = ( "4567 stuff is fun4you 2.12 67"
.match(/\d+\.\d+|\d+\b|\d+(?=\w)/g) || [] )
.map(function (v) {return +v;}).pop(); //=> 67