I am trying to extinguish a fire in Unity3d. I have 2 particle systems: fire and water. Since 2 particle systems can't collide, i added a box collider to the base of the fire (where isTrigger is checked). I use OnParticleTrigger()
to damage the health of the fire. But now I want to have multiple fires so I need to know which fire/box collider a particle entered. I know you can't get the collider like OnTriggerEnter()
, but is there a way to work around it?
I tried OnParticleCollision()
, but the water particles bounce of the box collider (this is not the visual effect I want).
Each trigger event I get all the particles that entered a collider. Then, for each of those particles, I check which box collider they entered with collider.bounds.Contains()
and damage the fire the box collider belongs to. I don't know if this is the best way to do it (probably not), but it works for now.
private void OnParticleTrigger()
//Get all particles that entered a box collider
List<ParticleSystem.Particle> enteredParticles = new List<ParticleSystem.Particle>();
int enterCount = waterPS.GetTriggerParticles(ParticleSystemTriggerEventType.Enter, enteredParticles);
//Get all fires
GameObject[] fires = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Fire");
foreach (ParticleSystem.Particle particle in enteredParticles)
for (int i = 0; i < fires.Length; i++)
Collider collider = fires[i].GetComponent<Collider>();
if (collider.bounds.Contains(particle.position))