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How do I set different digest algorithm and signature algorithm for an idp in simplesamlphp

I am trying to set

DigestMethod Algorithm to

and SignatureMethod Algorithm to

I have set

'metadata.sign.algorithm' => ''


'signature.algorithm' => ''

I saw from a changelog that metadata.sign.algorithm was introduced as the digest algorithm. However both digest algorithm and signature algorithm seem to be taking from the value signature.algorithm. I am using SimpleSamlP v1.18.4.

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • It looks like SimpleSamlPHP does not allow this to be done. However I patched Utils.php inside SAML2 library to get this working

    diff --git a/src/SAML2/Utils.php b/src/SAML2/Utils.php
    index e894a3e..4894f84 100644
    --- a/src/SAML2/Utils.php
    +++ b/src/SAML2/Utils.php
    @@ -339,6 +339,11 @@ class Utils
                     $type = XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1;
    +        // Patch to get SimpleSAMLPHP to return different
    +        // algorithms for signature and digest
    +        // to address logout issue.
    +        $type = XMLSecurityDSig::SHA256;

    I set the signature algorithm to SHA1 in the config and applied this patch via composer to have digest use the SHA256 algorithm.