I have a JAR-packaged standalone application that, when executed, unpacks itself into a temporal directory and spawns a child process within that directory. The reason being some third-party code and configuration assumes data files are found relative to current working directory, and java has no chdir() method, so the only way is to switch the working dir for a child process.
All works fine, except for the system properties. An operator may decide to specify some system properties in the command line, both standard ones and ones related to the third-party configuration:
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/temp -Dsomething=else -jar foo.jar (parameters)
The system properties available to the parent java process are not by default propagated to child. I should do it myself. And here I get into a roadblock: I have no way to tell which properties are set by operator and which are initialized by default by JVM.
Take that java.io.tmpdir one. If operator has provided it, he has a good reason to do so (perhaps the default location is "disk full"). I have to set it to child process, or it will fail. But how do I know if it came from operator? It may be just the default value.
I may try and set all available system properties to the child process. It takes a long list though and, worse, fails in some environments where the command line length is limited.
The only workaround I've found so far (quite a wicked one) is to spawn another child process first, with no arguments at all, and let it pipe back to the parent all the system properties it has. The values that match those that parent has are defaults. The rest should be passed down to the worker child process.
Does anyone have a better alternative?
Chosen solution:
I still had to go with a child process that does nothing but passes the parent all the system properties it gets to compare. The only minor issue I stumbled upon was line.separator property which caused my line reading code stumble on extra empty line. That was easy to fix.
Why I accepted none of answers:
Approaches suggested in the answers below are reasonable, but none of them is completely satisfying.
I do not have much power over the users to tell them that Java system properties should be passed via a property file or a special command-line argument. This is awkward and goes against operational practices (special cases are always bad).
I cannot also select a subset of system properties to pass to the child process. System class documentation doesn't tell which ones are OK to overwrite (and common sense replaces no documentation). There is also a facility for end-user to define their own properties, and those I cannot predict neither by name no number.