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Drawing lines in JavaFX with FXML

I'm trying to draw some Lines on the screen for JavaFX project. I've found documentations about how to do this with java code, but I need to do it in the FXML file. I can't find any documentation on the attributes (e.g. x and y positioning) for creating a < Line /> in FXML.


  • startX, startY - starting point coordinates, endX, endY - endpoint coordinates; stroke - line color; strokeLineCap (BUTT, SQUARE, ROUND); strokeWidth - width line:

    <Line startX="41.0" startY="56.0" endX="143.0" endY="56.0" 
        layoutX="67.0" layoutY="154.0" opacity="0.5" 
        stroke="#346e3c" strokeLineCap="BUTT" strokeWidth="4.0"/>

    Lines (length = 100) indented from the beginning of the layout (x = 50, y = 50):

    <!-- horizontal line -->
    <Line layoutX="50.0" layoutY="50.0" endX="100" />
    <!-- vertical line -->
    <Line layoutX="50.0" layoutY="50.0" endY="100" />

    Cursor and effect attributes:

    <Line ...>
            <Cursor fx:constant="HAND" />
            <!-- other, such as: DEFAULT, V_RESIZE, H_RESIZE, MOVE -->
            <GaussianBlur /> 
            <!-- other, such as: Blend, Bloom, Glow, Reflection, Shadow -->