i want to use enum as a key to get value from an resource file in my project i use and method to get value from resx file:
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Web;
using Utility.Tools.ExtensionMethods;
using Utility.Tools.Infrastructure;
using Utility.Tools.Utilities.Storage;
namespace MultiLanguage
public enum LocaleConfig_Type : byte
public class MultiLangToolkit
public static string GetTranslate(MainKeys key)
var lang = LanguegesToolkit.GetCurentLang();
return GetTranslate(key, lang);
public static string GetTranslate(MainKeys key, LocaleConfig_Type locale)
string value;
switch (locale)
{ case LocaleConfig_Type.FA:
var fa_resx = new ResourceManager("MultiLanguage.FA", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
value = fa_resx.GetString(key.ToString());
case LocaleConfig_Type.AR:
var ar_resx = new ResourceManager("MultiLanguage.AR", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
value = ar_resx.GetString(key.ToString());
case LocaleConfig_Type.DARI:
var dari_resx = new ResourceManager("MultiLanguage.DARI", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
value = dari_resx.GetString(key.ToString());
value = "No Language Selected!";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return value;
return "Key Or Value NotFound!";
catch (Exception)
return "Exception when translate";
public class LanguegesToolkit
public static LocaleConfig_Type GetCurentLang()
object sessionDefalutLocale = null;
if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null)
sessionDefalutLocale = HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionManager.SESSION_USER_DEFAULT_LOCAL];
if (sessionDefalutLocale != null)
return sessionDefalutLocale.ToString().ToEnum<LocaleConfig_Type>();
var defaultLocale = RequestGlobalProperties.CurrentUserRequest.DefaultLocale;
if (defaultLocale.IsNullOrEmpty())
return Constants.ServiceDefaultLocale.ToEnum<LocaleConfig_Type>();
return defaultLocale.ToEnum<LocaleConfig_Type>();
catch (Exception)
return LocaleConfig_Type.FA;
and i have a enum class to store enums:
namespace MultiLanguage
public enum MainKeys
/// <summary>
/// login to account
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// password
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// user name
/// </summary>
and i use this code to get value from my resx files
but this type of code is too many for getting a value from my resx file i just want to write this code instants the code above:
simply just call the enum and get translated value from resx file
i use this code in a dll file to use that in my other projects and use and enum as a key instants of string because strings is not a good choice and my cause and runtime issue and it's hard to debug that. and using summery on the enums to see that is the value in resx file(yes i copy the value frome my rex file into summery)
how can i do that?
is that possible ?
If you really want to stick with your enumerations then you could just create an extension method to simplify the usage. Something like
public static class EnumExtensions
public static string Translate(this MainKeys key)
return MultiLanguage.MultiLangToolkit.GetTranslate(key);
then you can just use