The situation is
I have a directory A, I have a bunch of files and folders in the foldler.
Such as folder B , foler C , tmp1.txt , Hello.txt , tmp3.txt , okay.txt.
And in folder B,there are also a bunch of files in it.
So I want to move all txt files recrusively to another folder such as /home.
Here is my code.
find . -name "*.txt"| grep -v [\s\S]*tmp[\s\S]* -exec mv {} /home \;
I can only select these files,however it won't execute move operation.
because linux find has path in result.So it annoy me a lot.
To move only regular files, add -type f
and exclude the files you don't want with \!
find . -type f -name '*.txt' \! -name '*tmp*' -exec mv -i -t /home {} +
The -i
asks for permission to overwrite a file if it already exists and the +
instead of the \;
is used to move as many files as possible with one invocation of mv
(and thus we need to specify the target directory with the -t
option as {}
contains more than one file).