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Formset invalid but 'Save' saves parent model and closes page

I have a formset payment on a parent model invoice. If the user enters a payment but forget the payment date (which is required) the page still saves the invoice and then closes.

I can see from form_valid that formset.is_valid() is False. I can see the error raised if I print it in console: [{}, {}, {'paymentdate': ['This field is required.']}, {}]. I can even see the validation show up on the page right before is closes.

How do I keep the page from closing when there is a validation error?


  • However, form fields of formsets won’t include the required attribute as that validation may be incorrect when adding and deleting forms.

    Formsets are very limited in capabilities and resource inefficient, so it's best not to use them. You'd have to overwrite your view to customize the workflow.