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Function not running after using strtok

I'm having some trouble in my program after using strtok(). I have tested printf and the opt is always getting what it is supposed to. But when i reach the if clauses, nothing runs. For example, when i type a banana it should run the function a1, but the program just ends.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char pedido[80],*opt

int main(){
    opt=strtok(request," ");
    if (opt=="a"){a1();}
    if (opt=="q"){a2();}
    if (opt=="N"){a3();}
    if (opt=="A"){a4();}
    if (opt=="r"){a5();}
    if (opt=="R"){a6();}
    if (opt=="C"){a7();}
    if (opt=="p"){a8();}
    if (opt=="E"){a9();}
    if (opt=="m"){a10();}
    if (opt=="l"){a11();}
    if (opt=="L"){a12();}
    return 0;


  • Statements like this

    if (opt=="a"){a1();}

    do not make sense because the opt can never be equal to "a". The value of opt is either NULL or the address of a character in the array request. As the string literal and the array occupy different extents of memory then their addresses are not equal.

    You should use the standard C function strcmp as for example

    if ( strcmp( opt, "a" ) == 0 ){a1();}