how to do even spaces between grid lines in both x and y axis using amcharts ?
I need to do equal spaces between grid lines you can see the picture. what i need to change
this is my graph settings:
i am using amcharts 3
valueAxes: [
gridAlpha: 0,
includeAllValues: false
graphs: [],
listeners: [],
chartCursor: {
onePanelOnly: true,
leaveCursor: true,
valueLineAxis :false,
valueLineEnabled: false,
valueLineBalloonEnabled: false,
cursorPosition: 'mouse'
chartScrollbar: {
oppositeAxis: false,
offset: 30,
updateOnReleaseOnly: true,
selectedBackgroundColor: "#c1e6ee"
categoryAxis: {
gridThickness: 1,
minPeriod: 'fff',
parseDates: true,
minorGridEnabled: true
For me it work to set the
"synchronizeGrid": true,
as a main property of the chart config. (
Maybe you have to check with the minHorizontalGap as well? (