I would like to work with HDF5 (https://www.hdfgroup.org/) in my Delphi 10.2 Windows 10 64bit application.
I use the hdf5.dll (which is written in C) with the following declarations:
H5P_DEFAULT: Integer = 0;
H5F_ACC_RDONLY: Integer = $0000; //*absence of rdwr => rd-only */
H5F_ACC_RDWR: Integer = $0001; //*open for read and write */
H5F_ACC_TRUNC: Integer = $0002; //*overwrite existing files */
H5F_ACC_EXCL: Integer = $0004; //*fail if file already exists*/
H5F_ACC_DEBUG: Integer = $0008; //*print debug info */
H5F_ACC_CREAT: Integer = $0010; //*create non-existing files */
hid_t = Integer;
hsize_t = UINT64;
hssize_t = INT64;
size_t = Cardinal;
herr_t = Integer;
unsigned = Cardinal;
H5_ih_info_t = record
index_size: hsize_t;
heap_size: hsize_t;
Tsohm =record
hdr_size: hsize_t;
msgs_info: H5_ih_info_t;
TH5F_info_t = record
super_ext_size: hsize_t;
sohm: Tsohm;
PH5F_info_t= ^TH5F_info_t;
//initializes the HDF5 library
function H5open: herr_t; cdecl; external 'hdf5.dll';
//flushes all data to disk, closes all open HDF5 objects, and cleans up all memory used by the HDF5 library
function H5close: herr_t; cdecl; external 'hdf5.dll';
//retrieves the major, minor, and release numbers of the version of the HDF5 library
function H5get_libversion( var majnum: unsigned; var minnum: unsigned; var relnum:unsigned): herr_t; cdecl; external 'hdf5.dll';
// Opens an existing HDF5 file.
function H5Fopen(filename: PAnsiChar; flags: unsigned; fapl_id: hid_t): hid_t; cdecl; external 'hdf5.dll';
//Terminates access to an HDF5 file.
function H5Fclose(file_id: hid_t): herr_t; cdecl; external 'hdf5.dll';
//Returns global information for a file
function H5Fget_info2(obj_id: hid_t; file_info: PH5F_info_t): herr_t; cdecl; external 'hdf5.dll';
//Creates a new simple dataspace and opens it for access.
function H5Screate_simple(rank: Integer; current_dims: Pointer; maximum_dims: Pointer): hid_t; cdecl; external 'hdf5.dll';
//Creates a new group and links it into the file.
function H5Gcreate2(loc_id: hid_t; aname: PAnsiChar; lcpl_id: hid_t; gcpl_id: hid_t; gapl_id: hid_t): hid_t; cdecl; external 'hdf5.dll';
The following code
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
status: herr_t;
majnum, minnum, relnum: unsigned;
file_id: hid_t;
group_id: hid_t;
dataspace_id: hid_t;
dataset_id: hid_t;
dims: array[0..1] of hsize_t;
file_info: TH5F_info_t;
pfile_info: PH5F_info_t;
status := H5open;
Memo1.Lines.Add('H5open ' + IntToStr(status)); //status=0 -> OK
status := H5get_libversion(majnum, minnum, relnum);
Memo1.Lines.Add('H5get_libversion ' + IntToStr(status)); //status=0 -> OK
Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(majnum)); //majnum=1
Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(minnum)); //minnum=10
Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(relnum)); //relnum=6
//-> version 1.10.6.
file_id := H5Fopen('example.h5', H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
Memo1.Lines.Add('H5Fopen ' + IntToStr(file_id)); //file_id=0 ->
status:=H5Fget_info2(0, pfile_info);
Memo1.Lines.Add('H5Fget_info2 ' + IntToStr(status)); //status=-1 -> ERROR
group_id:=H5Gcreate2(file_id, 'testgroup', H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
Memo1.Lines.Add('H5Gcreate2 ' + IntToStr(group_id)); //group_id=-1 -> ERROR
dataspace_id := H5Screate_simple(2, @dims, nil);
Memo1.Lines.Add('H5Screate_simple ' + IntToStr(dataspace_id)); //dataspace_id=2 -> OK
Memo1.Lines.Add('H5Fclose ' + IntToStr(status)); //status=-1 -> ERROR
Memo1.Lines.Add('H5close ' + IntToStr(status)); //status=0 -> OK
gives this output
H5open 0
H5get_libversion 0
H5Fopen 0
H5Fget_info2 -1
H5Gcreate2 -1
H5Screate_simple 2
H5Fclose -1
H5close 0
H5Fopen seems to work but all functions which uses the file_id afterwards return -1 meaning that an error occurred.
What could be the problem?
The comment from Dave Nottage is the answer. The types have been incorrect.