Looking for BigDecimal library which allows null values in BigDecimal?
Null should NOT be treated as 0 for mathematical purpose.
public abc{
private BigDecimal amount;
Class main{
if(tempStr == null) {
abc.setAmt(new BigDecimal(" "));
}else if (tempStr != null && !tempStr.equals(" ")) {
abc.setAmt(new BigDecimal(tempStr));
Amount should allow null values or Blank. Amount should also accept zero and other numbers.
I am getting amt as zero instead of null or blank
In Java null is used to represent undefined values. In your example, this would look as follows:
if(tempStr == null) {
} ...
If you want to check if the string is not empty, you can look at some utililes like Apache Commons StringUtils:
if(StringUtils.isBlank(tempStr)) {
} ...
If you want to avoid explicit null values, you may want to consider Optional<BigDecimal>. But it is a matter of taste.