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List of XPaths on XElement

I am trying to get the value of the first xpath match in my C# -

private string getValue(List<string> xpaths, XElement xml) {
        string stringValue = string.Empty;
        foreach(string xpath in xPaths)
            var value = xml.XPathEvaluate(xpath);

            if (value is IEnumerable)
                foreach (XObject xObject in value)
                    if (xObject is XElement)
                        stringValue = ((XElement)xObject).Value.FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                    else if (xObject is XAttribute)
                        stringValue = ((XAttribute)xObject).Value.FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                stringValue = value.ToString();
        return stringValue;


My List will look like this -


In the list of XPaths, I want to go through the list and return the first match. The XPathEvaluate is not working for me. I am not sure what is wrong.

Possible XML values


            <ErrorMessage>This is the Error Message1.</ErrorMessage>
            <ErrorMessage>This is the Error Message2.</ErrorMessage>

    <Error>This is the error message.<Error>

        <Details code="123">

            <ErrorMessage>This is the Error Message.</ErrorMessage>

This is passed to the method like this-

getValue(xpathList, XElement.Parse(xmlString))

Since I dont know what xml I will be getting, I want to cycle through the list of XPaths and return the first match. It can either be a element text or an attribute value.


  • The first thing, we use XDocument, you can use XElementbut you need to change the XPath expression for xpathList, more details:
    1 - You have an error in all xml test case, Error tag not closed, then correct them:


    2 - you have an error in this expression //Request/Header/Error[0]/Details/ErrorMesage/text(), to get the first Error use 1 not 0, you miss alsos in ErrorMesage:

    List<string> xPathList = new List<string>

    3 - Change GetValue, like the following code:

    private string GetValue(List<string> xPaths, XDocument xml)
        string stringValue = string.Empty;
        foreach (string xpath in xPaths)
            var value = xml.XPathEvaluate(xpath);
            foreach (XObject xObject in (IEnumerable)value)
                if (xObject is XElement)
                    return ((XElement)xObject).Value;
                else if (xObject is XAttribute)
                    return ((XAttribute)xObject).Value;
                    return ((XText)xObject).Value;
        return stringValue;

    4 - Test

    string result = GetValue(xPathList, XDocument.Parse(xmlString));

    5 - Demo:

     string xml1 = @"<Request>
    string xml2 = @"<Request>
                                <ErrorMessage>This is the Error Message1.</ErrorMessage>
                                <ErrorMessage>This is the Error Message2.</ErrorMessage>
    string xml3 = @"<Request>
                        <Error>This is the error message.</Error>
    string xml4 = @"<Request>
                            <Details code=""123"">
    string xml5 = @"<Request>
                        <ErrorMessage>This is the Error Message.</ErrorMessage>
    List<string> xPathList = new List<string>
    string result1 = GetValue(xPathList, XDocument.Parse(xml1));
    Console.WriteLine($"xml1 : {result1}");
    string result2 = GetValue(xPathList, XDocument.Parse(xml2));
    Console.WriteLine($"xml2 : {result2}");
    string result3 = GetValue(xPathList, XDocument.Parse(xml3));
    Console.WriteLine($"xml3 : {result3}");
    string result4 = GetValue(xPathList, XDocument.Parse(xml4));
    Console.WriteLine($"xml4 : {result4}");
    string result5 = GetValue(xPathList, XDocument.Parse(xml5));
    Console.WriteLine($"xml5 : {result5}");

    6 - Result

    xml1 : trace
    xml2 : This is the Error Message1.
    xml3 : This is the error message.
    xml4 : 123
    xml5 : This is the Error Message.

    I hope this help