I have bilateral exchanges data, such as :
mwe <- data.table(Importer=c("Country_A","Country_A","Country_A","Country_A",
Exporter=c("Country_A", "Country_B", "World", "Country_C",
"Country_A", "Country_B", "World", "Country_C",
"Country_A", "Country_B", "World", "Country_C",
"Country_A", "Country_B", "World", "Country_C"),
I have changed it in a wider format
mwe_wide <- dcast(mwe, Importer + Short_Importer ~ Exporter, value.var = "Value")
I would like this datable, but with shares in columns instead of values. I would therefore like to simply replace columns 3 to 5 by the same values divided by the amount on the same column for the line world. I assume it is not very complicated but have not found a satisfying way to do it. I have in reality several subregions, so I would like to avoid deleting the line world and then divising by the sum.
desired_output <- data.table(Importer=c("Country_A", "Country_B", "Country_C", "World"),
Country_A =c(0,0.33,0.66,1),
Country_B =c(0,0.55,0.45,1),
Country_C =c(0,0.41,0.59,1),
World =c(0.33,0.40,0.27,1))
If we need to divide by the last row where the 'Importer' is 'World'
mwe_wide[, (3:6) := lapply(.SD, function(x)
round(x/x[Importer == "World"], 2)), .SDcols = 3:6]
# Importer Short_Importer Country_A Country_B Country_C World
#1: Country_A A 0.00 0.55 0.41 0.33
#2: Country_B B 0.33 0.00 0.59 0.40
#3: Country_C C 0.67 0.45 0.00 0.27
#4: World W 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Or with Map
mwe_wide[, (3:6) := Map(`/`, .SD, .SD[Importer == 'World']), .SDcols = 3:6]