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Feature with tag still being run when configured not to

I have a main feature file where I have included a "setup" feature file that should add some test data. This setup feature file has an annotation that I have called @ignore. However, following the instructions in this Can't be enable to @ignore annotation for the features SO answer, but I am still seeing the setup feature file being run outside of the main test feature.

Main feature file, unsubscribe_user.feature:

Feature: Unsubscribe User

    * def props = read('properties/user-properties.json')
    * url urlBase
    * configure headers = props.headers
    * def authoriZation = call read('classpath:basic-auth.js')  { username: 'admin', password: 'admin' }
    * def testDataSetup = call read('classpath:com/meanwhileinhell/app/karate/feature/mockserver/testDataSetup.feature') { data1: #(props.data1), data2: #(props.data2) }

  Scenario: Unsubscribe user

  Scenario: Remove test data
   * def testDataTearDown = call read('classpath:com/meanwhileinhell/app/karate/feature/mockserver/testDataTearDown.feature') { data1: #(props.data1), data2: #(props.data2) }

testDataSetup.feature file

Feature: Add data to REST Mock Server

    * url mockServerUrlBase

  Scenario: Add data
    * print 'Adding test data'
    Given path 'mapping'
    And request { data1: '#(data1)', data2: '#(data2)' }
    When method post
    Then status 201

Now from my Java runner class, I have added @KarateOptions(tags = "~@ignore").

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;


import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;

@CucumberOptions(features = "classpath:com/meanwhileinhell/app/karate/feature/unsubscribe_user.feature")
@KarateOptions(tags = "~@ignore")
public class KarateTestUnSubscribeUserRunner {

However, I can still see my print statement in my setup class being called, and two POSTs being performed. I have also tried running my suite with the following cmd options, but again, still see the feature file run twice.

./gradlew clean test -Dkarate.env=local -Dkarate.options="--tags ~@ignore" --debug

I am following this wrong somewhere? Is there something I can add to my karate-config.js file? I am using Karate version 0.9.0.


  • Annotations only work on the "top level" feature. Not on "called" features.

    If your problem is that the features are being run even when not expected, you must be missing something, or some Java class is running without knowing it. So please follow this process and we can fix it:

    EDIT: I think I got it - please don't mix CucumberOptions, in fact we deprecated it, use only KarateOptions. Even that is not recommended in 0.9.5 onwards and you should move to JUnit 5.

    Read the docs: