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How to fully delete Subclipse plugin?

I am having trouble getting rid of Subclipse from my Eclipse configuration.

I made the decision to switch to Subversive due to the m2eclipse project dropping support for Subclipse.

So I uninstalled Subclipse and then installed Subversive using the About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Uninstall method. Now, when I go to any Team related options/tasks/preferences there are two SVN options available (one for Subversive and one for Subclipse) making life confusing.

Having grepped the workspace .metadata folder for the string subclipse I can see that the configuration is still littered with references to Subclipse:

$ grep -lir "subclipse" .metadata/

All of the projects above are now disconnected from SVN. Obviously some of the references such as usagedata are not important, I am more worried about the XML files though. Is it safe to manually go through and delete all tags/properties related to Subclipse? I feel that approach may be unwise though.

Does anyone know of a way to eliminate all traces of Subclipse without losing my workspace? Also any tips on what I might have done wrong? Should I have manually disconnected all of my SVN projects before making the switch to Subversive?


  • I had exactly the same problem. The reason is when you uninstall via eclipse, it doesn't delete the jar files from the plugin folder, the steps I did.

    Go to folder eclipse/plugins for avoiding any potential damage (just deleting wrong jars and get errors in other apps) list the jars from subclipse.

    $ cd eclipse/plugins
    $ ls |grep org.tigris.subversion

    and then if it lists the following

    $ ls |grep org.tigris.subversion
    org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter_1.6.12.jar         org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.doc_1.3.0.jar
    org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.javahl_1.6.15.jar  org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.graph_1.0.9.jar  org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui_1.6.17.jar
    org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core_1.6.17.jar        org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.mylyn_3.0.0.jar

    Remove them by piping xargs rm to the command

    $ ls |grep org.tigris.subversion|xargs rm

    Restart your eclipse and you'll only see the correct svn version.

    PS: the .metadata you display comes from the workspace, it only affects to the projects you got from svn, it won't do any change in eclipse.