Despite searching both Google and the documentation I can't figure this out:
I have a CSV file that has a header line, like this:
1,John Doe,Main Street,Some City
2,Jane Done,Sideroad,Other City
Importing into FileMaker works well, except for two things:
I would like it to understand that the header line is not a data set and that it could use the field names from the header line and match them to the field names in my FileMaker table.
How do I do that? Where is it explained?
When you import records, you have the option to select a record in the source file that contains field names (usually the first row). See #4 here.
Once you have done that, you will get the option to map the fields automatically by matching names.
If you're doing this periodically, it's best to script the action. A script will remember your choices, so you only need to do this once.