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Using egen functions with replace

I created a new variable from the mean of another variable using egen:

egen afd_lr2 = mean(afd_lire2w) if ost == 0

Now I would like to replace the values with the mean of another variable if ost == 1:

replace afd_lr2 = mean(afd_lireo) if ost ==1

This is not possible, as the mean function cannot be used with the replace command.

How can I achieve my goal?


  • This should work

    egen afd_lr2 = mean(cond(ost == 0, afd_lire2w, cond(ost == 1, afd_lireo, .))), by(ost) 

    Here is a test:

    input float(group y1 y2)
    1 42   .
    1 42   .
    2  . 999
    2  . 999
    egen mean = mean(cond(group == 1, y1, cond(group == 2, y2, .))), by(group)
    tabdisp group, c(mean)
        group |       mean
            1 |         42
            2 |        999

    The key is that the mean() function of egen feeds on an expression, which can be more complicated than a single variable name. That said, this is trickier than I would generally advise, as

    generate work = afd_lire2w if ost == 0
    replace work = afd_lireo if ost == 1
    egen mean = mean(work), by(ost)

    is easier to understand and should occur to a programmer any way.