I have an Integer Stack and I'm working on a method to insert elements into it from a JOptionPane. However, JOptionPane returns a string, so I parsed it into an int, but then I tried to insert the value in the stack and apparently, I need to convert it from int to Integer first.
So I tried with what every guide has been mentioning, create a new Integer object with the value of the parsedInt, but I'm getting error
"unexpected type
required: class
found: type parameter Integer
where Integer is a type-variable:
Integer extends Object declared in class SizedStack"
This is the code I'm trying
public void addToStack(JOptionPane optionPane) {
int val;
String temp;
temp = optionPane.showInputDialog("Enter an integer to insert into the stack");
val = parseInt(temp);
Integer valInteger = new Integer(val);
line Integer valInteger = new Integer(val);
is the one flagging the error.
Any ideas what's wrong?
Looks like you've declared your class similar to:
class SizedStack<Integer> {
is now a type variable, not the class java.lang.Integer
If you want it to be a generic class, write it something like:
class SizedStack<T> {
Or for an Integer
-only stack.
class SizedStack {
If it is an Integer
-only stack implementing a generic stack.
class SizedStack implements Stack<Integer> {