I have a method that prints a stack, however, it prints via System.out.println and I need to print it to a JLabel instead, so that it's visible in my GUI.
I'm using the UI designer from Netbeans, so I have a JFrame file, a main class file, and a stack file where I wrote the showStack method. "Pila" is a class that extends Stack.
This is the method
public void showStack(Pila<Integer> s){
if (s.isEmpty())
Integer x = s.peek();
System.out.print(x + " ");
I want to get rid of the System.out.print and replace it with something I could use to print the stack in a Jlabel
you can make a function that returns a String, and put that String on your label's text. I think it would work with the same code you have for your console prints, but concatenating it in a String instead of printing it
String output; // this one is to concatenate your String
public String returnStack(Pila<Integer> s){
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return "";
Integer x = s.peek();
output+= x + " ";
return output;