I'm having a problem on Java using Iterator (LinkedList.iterator()) object. In a looping, I need move a iterator object from some place to end of list.
For instance:
final Iterator<Transition> it = this.transitions.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
final Transition object = it.next();
if(object.id == 3){
// Move to end of this.transitions list
// without throw ConcurrentModificationException
I can't clone this.transitions for some reasons. It's possible, or I really need use the clone method?
Edit: currently, I do it:
But the problem is just on this second line. I can't add itens, it I'm inner an iterator of the same object. :(
you can keep a second list of elements to be added:
final Iterator<Transition> it = this.transitions.iterator();
final List<Transition> tmp = new ArrayList();//using a list will keep the order
while(it.hasNext()) {
final Transition object = it.next();
if(object.id == 3){