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Scala Implicit Prioritisation system

I have a question related to implicit priority system. I have following code:

object MyMain extends App {
  case class Plain(s: String)
  // cats version
  trait CatShow[T] extends ContravariantShow[T]

  object CatShow {
    def apply[A](implicit instance: CatShow[A]): CatShow[A] = instance

    trait ContravariantShow[-T] extends Serializable {
      def show(t: T): String

    def show[A](f: A => String): CatShow[A] = new CatShow[A] {
      def show(a: A): String = f(a)
  // my simplified version
  trait MyShow[-T] extends Serializable {
    def show(t: T): String

  object MyShow {
    def apply[A](implicit instance: MyShow[A]): MyShow[A] = instance

    def show[A](f: A => String): MyShow[A] = new MyShow[A] {
      def show(a: A): String = f(a)
  // implicits definition for both
  abstract class ImplicitInstances0 extends ImplicitInstances1 {
    implicit val catShowPlain: CatShow[Plain] = CatShow(_.toString + "[cat-plain]")
    implicit val myShowPlain: MyShow[Plain] = MyShow(_.toString + "[my-plain]")

  abstract class ImplicitInstances1 {
    implicit val catShowAny: CatShow[Any] = CatShow(_.toString + "[cat-Any]")
    implicit val myShowAny: MyShow[Any] = MyShow(_.toString + "[my-Any]")

  object ImplicitInstances extends ImplicitInstances0

  import ImplicitInstances._

  implicitly[CatShow[Plain]] // works magically
  implicitly[MyShow[Plain]] // [ERROR] compiler error for ambiguous implicit 


just wonder why the ContravariantShow will help the complier for prioritisation. Ideally, I would like to go through 2 cases step to step to show why one works and the other one fails.



  • just wonder why the ContravariantShow will help the complier for prioritisation.

    ContravariantShow doesn't help for prioritisation. If you remove it implicit will still resolve.

    trait CatShow[T] /*extends ContravariantShow[T]*/ {
      def show(t: T): String // added
    object CatShow {
      def apply[A](implicit instance: CatShow[A]): CatShow[A] = instance
    //  trait ContravariantShow[-T] extends Serializable {
    //    def show(t: T): String
    //  }
      def show[A](f: A => String): CatShow[A] = new CatShow[A] {
        def show(a: A): String = f(a)

    What is important is variance of type class. CatShow is invariant and MyShow is contravariant. When you're looking for implicitly[CatShow[Plain]] only catShowPlain is a candidate. When you're looking for implicitly[MyShow[Plain]] both myShowAny (because implicitly[MyShow[Any] <:< MyShow[Plain]]) and myShowPlain are candidates. And they make ambiguity because of the reason Why is this implicit ambiguity behaviour happening?