I have a terraform template file source.tpl
- it's a json and it has to be JSON, because it's produced by python json library. This file has the following entry
"data": {
"address": "${NETWORK}",
"netmask": "${NETMASK}",
In my tf module, I render this template:
data "template_file" "source" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/source.tpl")}"
vars = {
NETWORK = element(split("/", "${var.cidr}"),0)
NETMASK = tonumber(element(split("/", "${var.cidr}"),1))
where cidr is a string - something like
In the rendered output I need NETMASK to be a number and NETWORK to be a string. I.e. it has to be something like:
data = {
address = ""
netmask = 24
But I'm getting:
data = {
address = ""
netmask = "24"
I.e. netmask is a string. How can I get rid of those quotes in terraform? Initial source.tpl should still have those quotes, because if I remove them - it becomes invalid JSON.
I understand the problem here, you're generating the template using a JSON library that cannot produce something like the following since it's invalid JSON, though this is what you want for the template to be
"data": {
"address": "${NETWORK}",
"netmask": ${NETMASK}
Might I recommend a little bit of preprocessing? For example
template = "${replace(file("${path.module}/source.tpl"), "\"$${NETMASK}\"", "$${NETMASK}")}"