I have this line of code
${registry::Write} "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\autodocedithandler\shell\open\command" "" "$PROGRAMFILES32\AutoDocEdit\AutoDocEdit.exe $\"%1$\"" "REG_EXPAND_SZ" $R0
When I run the installer and check the registry afterwards I see that only the '%1' has been entered to the registry as the value - the path before did not make it.
Any reason?
I eventually solved this by using a definition for the folder
!define DefaultAutoDocEditFolder "$PROGRAMFILES32\AutoDocEdit\AutoDocEdit.exe"
and later using like this
${registry::Write} "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\autodocedithandler\shell\open\command" "" '${DefaultAutoDocEditFolder} "%1"' "REG_EXPAND_SZ" $R0
Hope this solution helps someone else.