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Get self-contained EXE's path?

If we're deploying a single file application, is there a way to get the single file application .exe's path from inside our code?

The reason I'm asking is because I have a sample console application, which I'd like to register in the registry to start every time windows starts, but sadly every known API like Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, or the one suggested by Microsoft AppContext.BaseDirectory return paths relative to the actual .dll file of the console application, not the self-contained .exe which unpackages it all.


  • From GitHub issue, suggestion by @Symbai:

    public static class Extensions {
        static extern uint GetModuleFileName(IntPtr hModule, System.Text.StringBuilder lpFilename, int nSize);
        static readonly int MAX_PATH = 255;
        public static string GetExecutablePath() {
            if (System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.Windows)) {
                var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(MAX_PATH);
                GetModuleFileName(IntPtr.Zero, sb, MAX_PATH);
                return sb.ToString();
            else {
                return System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;