I am trying to strike through a list item once a user has clicked on that particular item.
I have created a function to conduct the style change
const completed = () =>{
return document.getElementById("demo").style.textDecoration='line-through'
The list is generated as below, i have used material ui library
<List dense={dense} >
{items.slice(0).reverse().map(x=> (
<ListItem key={x.id} button id="demo" onClick={completed} divider>
<ListItemText primary={listItems(x)}/>
<ListItemSecondaryAction />
From the code i have written i am able to strike only through the first item of the list. Whenever i add new items , always the only item i am able to strike through is the first item.
I am trying to find a way to apply this to all the elements on the list
It is not a good practice to use document.getElementById()
in React because then you are accessing the DOM directly. Instead, you have to use ref
From official React documentation
When to Use Refs There are a few good use cases for refs:
- Managing focus, text selection, or media playback.
- Triggering imperative animations.
- Integrating with third-party DOM libraries.
But in your case we can easily do this by using React state
. I assume that your items
is stored in your component state
and in a todo item, you need to store whether it is completed or not ( a boolean value ). You can update the code like the following.
const completed = (id) => {
/* update the state by changing the completed value of the
clicked todo item */
items : this.state.items.map(item => {
if(item.id === id){
item.completed = true;
return item;
<List dense={dense}>
.map(x => (
// add a unique id
// add a strike style depending on the completed property of the todo item
style={{ textDecoration : x.completed ? 'line-through' : 'none' }}
// call completed with the id
onClick={() => completed(x.id)}
<ListItemText primary={listItems(x)} />