I tried lot of blogs and discussion about ios & android scrolling in appium, java. but looks like most of method are deprecated or not working. pls helping. I am using appium 1.15.1, java, selenium.
looking for quick help.
I am trying following code but it's scrolling twice and not even clicking.
I am on Mac and working with real device. I am using Appium 1.15.1, Selenium, Java with POM. I wrote following code for iOS swipe down.
public void chkMenuOptioniOS1(String sName)
/* This is actual path which got from inspector
//XCUIElementTypeStaticText[@name="Account Information"]
String targetCell = "//XCUIElementTypeStaticText[contains(@name,'" + sName + "')]";
MobileElement cellWithText = driver.findElement(By.xpath(targetCell));
HashMap<String, String> scrollObject = new HashMap<String, String>();
scrollObject.put("element", ((RemoteWebElement)cellWithText).getId());
scrollObject.put("direction", "down");
scrollObject.put("predicateString", "value == '" + sName + "'");
scrollObject.put("toVisible", "true");
driver.executeScript("mobile:scroll", scrollObject);
try {
System.out.println("In Try Block "+cellWithText.getText());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Attaching DOM object screen capture.
These are the methods for your needs for iOS and Android:
private JavascriptExecutor js;
private HashMap<String, String> scrollObject = new HashMap<>();
void iosScrollToAnElement(IOSElement el) {
scrollObject.put("direction", "down");
scrollObject.put("element", el.getId());
js.executeScript("mobile: swipe", scrollObject);
void androidScrollToAnElementByText(String text) {
try {
((AndroidDriver)driver).findElementByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true).instance(0)).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().text(\"" + text + "\").instance(0))");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No element" + e);
after this you need to click()
on your particular element that you are looking for. (there methods only for scrolling)