I'm playing about with some types and the PureScript compiler. These are the types I've created (liberally stolen from purescript-dsl-example):
newtype User = User
{ id :: Int
, name :: String
data Command a = Add User a
| Remove Int a
| ChangeName Int String a
This type checks and compiles. Then, thinking it might be useful to be able to serialise these types into JSON, I installed purescript-foreign-generic
and added this:
derive instance genericCommand :: Generic Command _
As a first step towards a Show instance.
The type checker then throws this error:
Error found:
in module Main
at src/Main.purs:33:43 - 33:50 (line 33, column 43 - line 33, column 50)
Could not match kind
with kind
Type -> Type
while checking the kind of Generic Command (Sum (Constructor "Add" (Product ... ...)) (Sum (Constructor "Remove" ...) (Constructor "ChangeName" ...)))
in value declaration genericCommand
Is there a way to derive a Generic instance from my type? If not, is there a way I can write a Generic instance manually? I have no idea what that would entail, so am okay with admitting I'm not sure if that last question even makes sense.
Of course it's possible to derive Generic
for your type, you're just not using the correct syntax. It should be like this:
derive instance genericCommand :: Generic (Command a) _
When you write Generic Command _
, the Command
part (which is the first parameter of Generic
) has kind Type -> Type
- that is, if you apply Command
to a Type
, then you get a Type
. So, for example, Command Int
will have the kind Type
. But Command
itself has kind Type -> Type
But the Generic
class expects the first argument of kind Type
, not Type -> Type
, that's what the error message is telling you.