if (browser == ‘chrome’||’firefox’||’safari’||’opera’)
Can someone please explain why the if condition evaluates to true for all values of browser?
First remove the curly quotes - those will cause a SyntaxError. Use straight quotes instead.
has higher operator precedence than ||
, and ||
evaluates left-to-right, so fixing the quotes, your code is equivalent to:
if ((((browser == 'chrome') ||'firefox') ||'safari') ||'opera')
If the browser is chrome, this results in
if ((((true) ||'firefox') ||'safari') ||'opera')
if (true)
Otherwise, this results in
if ((((false) || 'firefox') ||'safari') ||'opera')
if (((false || 'firefox') ||'safari') ||'opera')
If the left-hand side of ||
is falsey, it will evaluate to the value on the right-hand side. Otherwise, if the left-hand side of ||
is truthy, it will evaluate to the value on the left-hand side. So it resolves to:
if (((false || 'firefox') ||'safari') ||'opera')
if ((('firefox') ||'safari') ||'opera')
if ('firefox')
And 'firefox'
is truthy, so the if
will always run.
For what you're trying to do, use .includes
if (['chrome', 'firefox', 'safari', 'opera'].includes(browser))