to no area if possible.blog.example.com
to a area named blog
.There are actually quite a lot of posts regarding to this topic, especially mapping subdomains to areas.
From SO:
And there are probably even more.
But there is one big problem, in ASP.Net Core 3 they changed a lot of things, one of them being the routing in general, see mircosoft's devblog. Basically they changed it so everything should now be endpoints.
All the classes e.g. MvcRouteHandler
and interfaces e.g. IRouter
are basically obsolete now, at least from my understanding. After a while googling around and diggin' in the GitHub repositories I couldn't find anything useful.
SDK 3.0.100-preview6-012264
, but trying to upgrade to
SDK 3.0.100-preview7-012821
as soon as possible.To give an update to this whole situation, with the release of .Net Core 3 you can now make use of the RequireHost
This would look something like the following:
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "Home",
areaName: "Home",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}")
.RequireHost("localhost:5001", "sub.domain.com");
If you remove the Area
in the pattern parameter, like in the example, you can achieve exactly that. It is still somewhat hacky, but a lot cleaner.
Note, that you would have to put a RequireHost
on all of the endpoints in order to get proper default route matching.