I'm playing around with an interesting effect I came across: https://tympanus.net/codrops/2019/08/07/image-trail-effects/
To start, I have a div
containing a bunch of img
elements. It dumps them into an array and then creates a trail effect from those images which follows the mouse. You kick this all off via new ImageTrail(".content")
. But what if I have more than one set of images and I want to re-trigger it again with those, instead? Example:
<div class="content">
<img src="1.jpg">
<img src="2.jpg">
<img src="3.jpg">
<div class="content-2">
<img src="4.jpg">
<img src="5.jpg">
<img src="6.jpg">
Doing a second new ImageTrail(".content-2")
does not replace the first set of images with the second set, even though the code reads to me like it should. You still just see the first set of images in the trail.
I'm also slightly concerned with performance if I'm instantiating the ImageTrail class twice (if that's even a thing), but this is wholly secondary to my main issue.
I feel like there's a simple solution but I'm missing it. Scroll down to the bottom of the demo for the commented code "This doesn't work"
The main cause is requestAnimationFrame
as part of constructor and render method.
Across instances, for this use case, one instance should have the rendering control using requestAnimationFrame
I did a trick here, for this use case.
Every time a new instance is created, it will cancel earlier instance's render request (done by requestAnimationFrame
) by means of cancelAnimationFrame
Even i cancelled the request done in render method too.
Check out this jsfiddle for modified code : https://jsfiddle.net/rahultarafdar/mfboqy9g/45/