I need to create an instance of a class with some parameters without registering it in the container, as I often need to get some classes with the dependencies injected without them cluttering the container.
Here is an example:
interface IPrinter
void Print(string text);
class ConsolePrinter : IPrinter
public void Print(string text) => Console.WriteLine(text);
class Thing
public Thing(IPrinter print, string otherParameter)
// ...
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IPrinter, ConsolePrinter>();
// This throws.
container.Resolve<Thing>(args: new object[] { "something something" });
I get an exception: DryIoc.ContainerException: 'code: UnableToResolveUnknownService
, which makes sense.
I can sure just do container.Register<Thing>()
, but as said before, it would add an unwanted service to my container.
You may try to set WithConcreteTypeDynamicRegistrations rules for container.