I have a table like that.
I can't get my head around how to traverse(query selectively) through the countries and output data per date. Sometimes I need one country, sometimes 3 or 5.
I just need to have a separate table where I'll have something like that for later processing (charts and other calculations).
Usually, I'd use something like
=QUERY(A1:100, "SELECT a column WHERE a row ='Name of a country'")
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(A1:100, "Select * WHERE A = 'Australia'"))
But it looks like this logic doesn't work here. Any ideas?
Here is a dummy sheet
The second Cumulative column it's just an example of calculations that I'll need to do later with each country numbers. I'll just add =iferror(B3+C2,"0")
Although if you have any better ideas on how to optimise that, I'll be happy to hear it.
"where Col1 matches 'Date|Australia|India'", 0)),
"where Col1 >= "&DATEVALUE("2020-1-23")&"
and Col1 <= "&DATEVALUE("2020-1-30"), 1)
and the cumulatives (running totals) can be done like:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(O3:O="",,SUMIF(ROW(O3:O), "<="&ROW(O3:O), O3:O)))