I'm organizing my container content by directories
inside each rep I have blob files.
I would like to retrieve blobs list of `rep1/subrep1/subsubrep1'
the container called tenants
try {
const blobServiceClient = await BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString(
const containerClient = await blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(
for await (const blob of containerClient.listBlobsFlat()) {
let blobClient = await containerClient.getBlobClient(blob.name);
let splitedString = blobClient.name.split('/')
label: splitedString[splitedString.length].split(".wav")[0],
value: blobClient.url
} catch (err) {
Actually with my code I should iterate all blob files.
I can filter then the result but I would find how to get a specific subfolder blobs
Instead of using listBlobsFlat
, use listBlobsByHierachy
. For delimiter
parameter, specify an empty string and specify rep1/subrep1/subsubrep1
as prefix
in options parameter.
Something like:
let iter = await containerClient.listBlobsByHierarchy("", { prefix: "rep1/subrep1/subsubrep1/" });