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How to render <meta> tags first in Wicket?

I have a Wicket application that contains a lot of Javascript in the headers. I would like to render my <meta> tags before any <script> tags (I'm trying to add these for getting indexed by search engines and it is much easier to read if they are on top of the source)

I thought this would help me (in my BasePage)

public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
    response.render(MetaDataHeaderItem.forMetaTag(Model.of("description"), () -> "Cool generated description"));


The BasePage.html relevant head section

<title wicket:id="pageTitle"></title>
<wicket:header-items />

The tags are render in the position of the <wicket:header-items />, but still I end up with all the child javascript headers above my <meta> tag.

What is the wicket-way of achieving this?


  • Wrap it in a PriorityHeaderItem:

        response.render(new PriorityHeaderItem(MetaDataHeaderItem.forMetaTag(Model.of("description"), () ->...)));