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Elm update infinite loop

New to Elm, so I may be missing something obvious.

I'm working on an Elm application that uses annaghi/dnd-list. I'm encountering an infinite loop of calls to update. This happens when clicking on one element, then another one. Here's the code:

config : DnDList.Config Player
config =
    { beforeUpdate = \_ _ list -> list
    , movement = DnDList.Free
    , listen = DnDList.OnDrag
    , operation = DnDList.Swap

system : DnDList.System Player Msg
system =
    DnDList.create config DndMsg

type alias Model =
    { navKey : Nav.Key
    , room : WebData Room
    , dnd : DnDList.Model
    , startError : Maybe String

type Msg
    = RoomReceived (WebData Room)
    | DndMsg DnDList.Msg


update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        RoomReceived room ->
            ( { model | room = room }, Cmd.none )
        DndMsg message ->
                room =
            case room of
                RemoteData.Success actualRoom ->
                        ( dnd, players ) =
                            system.update message model.dnd actualRoom.players

                        updatedRoom = 
                            (\roomData -> 
                                { roomData | players = players }
                            ) room
                    ( { model | dnd = dnd, room = updatedRoom }
                    , system.commands model.dnd
                _ ->
                    ( model, Cmd.none )

When I change the line system.commands model.dnd to Cmd.none, then there is no infinite looping call to the update function, but also nothing happens. The message that keeps getting called in the dnd-list library is GotDropElement (Ok dropElement)

Again, new to Elm, so this may be a poorly formed question, but any help is appreciated.



  • Figured it out. Had to add a subscription to listen to mouse events

    currentSubs : Model -> Sub Msg
    currentSubs model =
        case of
            GameRoomPage pageModel ->
                GameRoom.subscriptions pageModel
                    |> GameRoomMsg
            _ ->
                always Sub.none model
    main : Program () Model Msg
    main =
            { view = view
            , init = init
            , update = update
            , subscriptions = currentSubs
            , onUrlRequest = LinkClicked
            , onUrlChange = UrlChanged