New to Elm, so I may be missing something obvious.
I'm working on an Elm application that uses annaghi/dnd-list. I'm encountering an infinite loop of calls to update. This happens when clicking on one element, then another one. Here's the code:
config : DnDList.Config Player
config =
{ beforeUpdate = \_ _ list -> list
, movement = DnDList.Free
, listen = DnDList.OnDrag
, operation = DnDList.Swap
system : DnDList.System Player Msg
system =
DnDList.create config DndMsg
type alias Model =
{ navKey : Nav.Key
, room : WebData Room
, dnd : DnDList.Model
, startError : Maybe String
type Msg
= RoomReceived (WebData Room)
| DndMsg DnDList.Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
RoomReceived room ->
( { model | room = room }, Cmd.none )
DndMsg message ->
room =
case room of
RemoteData.Success actualRoom ->
( dnd, players ) =
system.update message model.dnd actualRoom.players
updatedRoom =
(\roomData ->
{ roomData | players = players }
) room
( { model | dnd = dnd, room = updatedRoom }
, system.commands model.dnd
_ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
When I change the line system.commands model.dnd
to Cmd.none
, then there is no infinite looping call to the update function, but also nothing happens. The message that keeps getting called in the dnd-list library is GotDropElement (Ok dropElement)
Again, new to Elm, so this may be a poorly formed question, but any help is appreciated.
Figured it out. Had to add a subscription to listen to mouse events
currentSubs : Model -> Sub Msg
currentSubs model =
case of
GameRoomPage pageModel ->
GameRoom.subscriptions pageModel
|> GameRoomMsg
_ ->
always Sub.none model
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ view = view
, init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = currentSubs
, onUrlRequest = LinkClicked
, onUrlChange = UrlChanged