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Why does geom_sf is not allowing fill with discrete column from a dataframe?

I drew a spatial map using geom_sf, however it is keep picking up a continuous scale for my fill parameter whenever it is inside of aes but when I take it out and fill in scale_fill_manual it is not working either, it is overriding my manual colors and legend doesn't show. I have tried passing in fill inside aes layer as.factors but that leads to error:

Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale

But those values are discreet! So I had to make it numeric. A reproducible example and datafile new_file.csv can be found here:


options(scipen = 9999,tigris_use_cache = TRUE)

#Took out my census api key because of a feed back from a SO member. Please add a comment
#if you would like my census key.

url <- getURL("")

#read the csv file
gainsville_df <- read_csv(url) #store the csv file content from my github link

#get the population geomtry shapefiles
alachua <- tidycensus::get_acs(state = "FL", county = "Alachua", 
                               geography = "tract", geometry = T,
                               variables = c("B01003_001", year = 2018))

#insert the geometry shapefile
gainsville_df$Geomtry <- alachua$geometry[match(gainsville_df$`Geo ID`, alachua$GEOID)]

ggplot2::ggplot() + 
      #geom_sf(data = gainsville_df, aes(geometry= Geomtry,fill= as.numeric(`Cluster Group`)), alpha= 0.2) + #aes() fill OK
      geom_sf(data = gainsville_df, aes(geometry= Geomtry), alpha= 0.2,fill = gainsville_df$`Cluster Group`) +
      coord_sf(crs = "+init=epsg:4326")+
      #scale_fill_gradientn(colours= rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3")), name= "Cluster")+ #fills gradient OK
      scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "grey", "seagreen3","gold", "green","orange"), name= "Cluster Group")+ #gets overridden no matter where we put it
      theme(legend.position = "right") #doesn't show up when fill in color manually

1) Here is how fill inside aes parameter looks. I wanted to convert the fill color to discrete:

enter image description here

2) Here is how the graph looks like when I move the fill outside of aes function. Manual fill gets overridden:

enter image description here

I want custom colors in a discreet scale.

Please note SO was limiting my dput characters due to maximum limits so I can only give first 10 rows here, You can use the CSV file in the repo because there you will have all of the values from Cluster Group column. I have given everything I used to make this example.

#here is chunk of dput from the data right before I ggplot it

> dput(gainsville_df[1:10, ])
structure(list(GID = c(12001000500, 12001000200, 12001000500, 
12001001902, 12001001202, 12001001202, 12001001100, 12001000302, 
12001000500, 12001001100), Tract = c(500, 200, 500, 1902, 1202, 
1202, 1100, 302, 500, 1100), Population = c(5171, 6671, 5171, 
3192, 7309, 7309, 7143, 2343, 5171, 7143), ClusterGroup = c(6, 
5, 6, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 6, 3), Geomtry = structure(list(structure(list(
    list(structure(c(-82.33082, -82.326592, -82.326618, -82.326591, 
    -82.325846, -82.323109, -82.323086, -82.310256, -82.30183, 
    -82.306576, -82.311469, -82.311505, -82.315105, -82.317746, 
    -82.318469, -82.325033, -82.326534, -82.326582, -82.330837, 
    -82.33082, 29.653382, 29.653325, 29.658964, 29.659237, 29.659193, 
    29.659231, 29.666604, 29.666546, 29.666511, 29.659338, 29.651985, 
    29.651741, 29.647026, 29.645798, 29.645586, 29.644474, 29.644219, 
    29.650285, 29.650274, 29.653382), .Dim = c(20L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", 
"MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(-82.339354, 
-82.339375, -82.339373, -82.33928, -82.33926, -82.339208, -82.337143, 
-82.33295, -82.328297, -82.326591, -82.326618, -82.326592, -82.33082, 
-82.330837, -82.326582, -82.326534, -82.333655, -82.337821, -82.339384, 
-82.339354, 29.644897, 29.648466, 29.652056, 29.653917, 29.655723, 
29.659186, 29.659396, 29.659426, 29.65944, 29.659237, 29.658964, 
29.653325, 29.653382, 29.650274, 29.650285, 29.644219, 29.642994, 
29.642023, 29.640976, 29.644897), .Dim = c(20L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", 
"MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(-82.33082, 
-82.326592, -82.326618, -82.326591, -82.325846, -82.323109, -82.323086, 
-82.310256, -82.30183, -82.306576, -82.311469, -82.311505, -82.315105, 
-82.317746, -82.318469, -82.325033, -82.326534, -82.326582, -82.330837, 
-82.33082, 29.653382, 29.653325, 29.658964, 29.659237, 29.659193, 
29.659231, 29.666604, 29.666546, 29.666511, 29.659338, 29.651985, 
29.651741, 29.647026, 29.645798, 29.645586, 29.644474, 29.644219, 
29.650285, 29.650274, 29.653382), .Dim = c(20L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", 
"MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(-82.343091, 
-82.322426, -82.305774, -82.28828, -82.28496, -82.279257, -82.277492, 
-82.274088, -82.264291, -82.255698, -82.255733, -82.239226, -82.241055, 
-82.242922, -82.247494, -82.248053, -82.254454, -82.255336, -82.256147, 
-82.257945, -82.258194, -82.265867, -82.268733, -82.286494, -82.291313, 
-82.293869, -82.291049, -82.29141, -82.289125, -82.289154, -82.289147, 
-82.302225, -82.30183, -82.296868, -82.289284, -82.295816, -82.299939, 
-82.305789, -82.319368, -82.325905, -82.338875, -82.343091, 29.703215, 
29.703182, 29.702969, 29.703034, 29.703027, 29.703026, 29.70244, 
29.707463, 29.707526, 29.707465, 29.688234, 29.68786, 29.687374, 
29.686101, 29.681811, 29.681287, 29.675263, 29.674573, 29.674123, 
29.673631, 29.673605, 29.673687, 29.674424, 29.683442, 29.676539, 
29.673816, 29.672477, 29.670273, 29.669202, 29.666451, 29.665342, 
29.665245, 29.666511, 29.673817, 29.685025, 29.687759, 29.688317, 
29.688349, 29.688417, 29.68846, 29.699636, 29.703215), .Dim = c(42L, 
2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(
    list(structure(c(-82.37232, -82.372184, -82.371557, -82.369737, 
    -82.367884, -82.363764, -82.362359, -82.361649, -82.359822, 
    -82.356055, -82.354722, -82.354178, -82.353686, -82.353577, 
    -82.343091, -82.347301, -82.347267, -82.351368, -82.351484, 
    -82.347376, -82.347435, -82.351523, -82.351553, -82.352019, 
    -82.353638, -82.368944, -82.369654, -82.370429, -82.371798, 
    -82.372325, -82.37232, 29.688692, 29.697181, 29.698842, 29.700623, 
    29.701505, 29.703331, 29.703949, 29.704283, 29.705076, 29.706956, 
    29.708439, 29.709796, 29.711902, 29.712234, 29.703215, 29.703272, 
    29.695877, 29.695848, 29.688519, 29.688553, 29.685718, 29.68576, 
    29.681337, 29.681292, 29.681271, 29.68144, 29.681661, 29.682495, 
    29.686602, 29.686819, 29.688692), .Dim = c(31L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", 
"MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(-82.37232, 
-82.372184, -82.371557, -82.369737, -82.367884, -82.363764, -82.362359, 
-82.361649, -82.359822, -82.356055, -82.354722, -82.354178, -82.353686, 
-82.353577, -82.343091, -82.347301, -82.347267, -82.351368, -82.351484, 
-82.347376, -82.347435, -82.351523, -82.351553, -82.352019, -82.353638, 
-82.368944, -82.369654, -82.370429, -82.371798, -82.372325, -82.37232, 
29.688692, 29.697181, 29.698842, 29.700623, 29.701505, 29.703331, 
29.703949, 29.704283, 29.705076, 29.706956, 29.708439, 29.709796, 
29.711902, 29.712234, 29.703215, 29.703272, 29.695877, 29.695848, 
29.688519, 29.688553, 29.685718, 29.68576, 29.681337, 29.681292, 
29.681271, 29.68144, 29.681661, 29.682495, 29.686602, 29.686819, 
29.688692), .Dim = c(31L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", 
"sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(-82.388979, -82.38896, 
-82.388965, -82.38893, -82.37232, -82.372325, -82.371798, -82.370429, 
-82.369654, -82.368944, -82.353638, -82.352019, -82.351152, -82.346231, 
-82.343221, -82.339192, -82.339216, -82.343244, -82.352908, -82.355771, 
-82.372373, -82.373171, -82.388981, -82.388979, 29.675476, 29.679565, 
29.682268, 29.688733, 29.688692, 29.686819, 29.686602, 29.682495, 
29.681661, 29.68144, 29.681271, 29.681292, 29.680782, 29.674448, 
29.674003, 29.673968, 29.666678, 29.666711, 29.666737, 29.666741, 
29.66677, 29.666905, 29.674086, 29.675476), .Dim = c(24L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", 
"MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(-82.339164, 
-82.339091, -82.338972, -82.338875, -82.325905, -82.319368, -82.319369, 
-82.319818, -82.321558, -82.330801, -82.339192, -82.339164, 29.679131, 
29.688544, 29.698982, 29.699636, 29.68846, 29.688417, 29.679087, 
29.6771, 29.673888, 29.673934, 29.673968, 29.679131), .Dim = c(12L, 
2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(
    list(structure(c(-82.33082, -82.326592, -82.326618, -82.326591, 
    -82.325846, -82.323109, -82.323086, -82.310256, -82.30183, 
    -82.306576, -82.311469, -82.311505, -82.315105, -82.317746, 
    -82.318469, -82.325033, -82.326534, -82.326582, -82.330837, 
    -82.33082, 29.653382, 29.653325, 29.658964, 29.659237, 29.659193, 
    29.659231, 29.666604, 29.666546, 29.666511, 29.659338, 29.651985, 
    29.651741, 29.647026, 29.645798, 29.645586, 29.644474, 29.644219, 
    29.650285, 29.650274, 29.653382), .Dim = c(20L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", 
"MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(-82.388979, 
-82.38896, -82.388965, -82.38893, -82.37232, -82.372325, -82.371798, 
-82.370429, -82.369654, -82.368944, -82.353638, -82.352019, -82.351152, 
-82.346231, -82.343221, -82.339192, -82.339216, -82.343244, -82.352908, 
-82.355771, -82.372373, -82.373171, -82.388981, -82.388979, 29.675476, 
29.679565, 29.682268, 29.688733, 29.688692, 29.686819, 29.686602, 
29.682495, 29.681661, 29.68144, 29.681271, 29.681292, 29.680782, 
29.674448, 29.674003, 29.673968, 29.666678, 29.666711, 29.666737, 
29.666741, 29.66677, 29.666905, 29.674086, 29.675476), .Dim = c(24L, 
2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg"))), class = c("sfc_MULTIPOLYGON", 
"sfc"), precision = 0, bbox = structure(c(xmin = -82.388981, 
ymin = 29.640976, xmax = -82.239226, ymax = 29.712234), class = "bbox"), crs = structure(list(
    epsg = 4269L, proj4string = "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs"), class = "crs"), n_empty = 0L)), row.names = c(NA, 
-10L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))


  • With your code, I get constant error when trying to make the geom_sf. So, instead of adding Geometry to your intial dataset, I prefer to do the opposite way and merge your dataset with the "alachua" geometry object ( I used left_join function from dplyr for doing that). I also rename your colnames in your intial dataset and convert your GEOID as character vector in order to make the match.

    Then, I remove all missing values not matching and I pass the following code into geom_sf

    colnames(gainsville_df) <- c("GEOID", "Tract","Population","ClusterGroup")
    gainsville_df$GEOID <- as.character(gainsville_df$GEOID)
    DF <- left_join(alachua, gainsville_df, by = "GEOID")
      geom_sf(data = subset(DF, !, aes(fill = factor(ClusterGroup)))+
      scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "grey", "seagreen3","gold", "green","orange"), name= "Cluster Group")+ 
      theme(legend.position = "right")

    enter image description here

    Does it answer your question ?

    BTW: The alpha value won't be efficient here because you have multiple times each cluster (see below), so you are just superposing color on each cluster which hide the transparency effect (for example for cluster 1, you superposed 2455 times the same red color). I think you need to clean your initial dataset first in order to get one value of cluster per area.

    > summary(as.factor(DF$ClusterGroup))
       1    2    3    4    5    6 NA's 
    2455 1344 1783  269  820 1741   29