I am looking for a way to pass an array as the value of an attribute of a web component made with stencil js. That's possible?
I'm trying to make something like this works!
<mv-select options=['one','two','three']></mv-select>
tag: 'mv-select',
styleUrl: 'mv-select.scss',
assetsDirs: ['assets'],
shadow: true
export class MvSelect {
@Element() private element: HTMLElement;
@Prop() options: string[];
The problem is that HTML attributes can only be strings, not arrays or objects. There are a couple ways to pass an array:
document.querySelector('mv-select').options = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
<mv-select options='["one", "two", "three"]'></mv-select>
To transform that JSON into an array you can use a @Watch
method to update an internal @State
export class MvSelect {
@Prop() options: string;
@State() internalOptions: string[];
componentWillLoad() {
parseOptions() {
if (this.options) {
this.innerOptions = JSON.parse(this.options);
This code makes sure that whenever you change options
it will be JSON parsed and you can use innerOptions
as an array.
Note that you will have to manually call this.parseOptions()
in componentWillLoad
because the watchers are not called on initialization.