I have a use case for a small Quarkus application that has to able to call a REST endpoint, but that should not run a web server itself.
With the following dependencies, JSON deserialization is not supported:
Running the application outputs the following logs:
WARN [io.qua.res.com.dep.ResteasyCommonProcessor] (build-11) Quarkus detected the need of REST JSON support but you have not provided the necessary JSON extension for this. You can visit https://quarkus.io/guides/rest-json for more information on how to set one.
ERROR [...] ProcessingException while creating reply for journey details request: RESTEASY003145: Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of content-type application/json and type class X.
(the warning was added based on this ticket: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/4157)
When changing the configuration to:
the REST client Jackson deserialization works, but it also starts a web server.
Is there a way to support Jackson deserialization on the REST client, without running a RESTEasy web server?
Option 1: can I include specific dependencies for this? I played around with the dependencies from quarkus-resteasy-jackson separately, but did not get it to work.
Option 2: is there something missing in the quarkus-jackson dependency? I would assume Jackson serialization on the REST client should be able to be supported without the need to include the full RESTEasy dependency?
Other options? Adding ~10MB RSS memory to a ~20MB application is a lot of overhead percentage wise for a feature that is not used :)
You're missing one additional dependency which is resteasy-jackson2-provider
Here's combination of libraries that should work:
P.S as Ken specified in comment below this option doesn't work with native image