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Error writing cfimage as a base64 on production but not on development server

I have a process that read and image, resizes it and writes base64 version of the image to a text file. It is working on a development box but when this code is moved to a production server I am getting an error stating that the image doesn't contain the function writeBase64. The image is "dumping" correctly (as seen below).

lock timeout="1" scope="server" type="exclusive"{
    getTube.writeBase64('base64img/base64_1_#randrange(100,999)#.txt', 'png');

enter image description here

I thought it was possible that it was because the development server is newer version of Lucee than production. But I get an error going to the "Update" page on the admin of the production server. enter image description here

That is a different post but I included it here in case there is some connection.


  • In case anyone else runs into this I changed the Lucee jar file to Lucee and it solved both issues