I need a way to host "events" with Discord.js.
The closest I found was this.
This is exactly what I need it to do but this doesn't show any code to try and replicate.
Any suggestions?
I figured out how to do this.
if(command === 'mnhost') {
var movie = args.join(" ");
let MNP = message.guild.roles.find(role => role.name === "Movie Night Pings");
if (!movie) return message.reply('Please specify the movie you are hosting! (Ex. `~mnhost <Movie Title>`)')
message.channel.send(":partying_face: Are you ready for some movies?:partying_face:")
message.channel.send(MNP + " :movie_camera: " + message.author + " is hosting __**" + movie + "**__!!! :movie_camera:")