Let's say, I have following duration value:
auto duration=12h+15min+99s+99ms;
I want to know how many hours that is (as double value).
When I do auto hours=std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(duration)
, I get hours.count()
which is int
. What is the right way to get the value for the whole duration expressed as double?
using namespace std::chrono;
// Create a double-based hours duration unit
using dhours = duration<double, hours::period>;
// Assign your integral-based duration to it
dhours h = 12h+15min+99s+99ms;
// Get the value
cout << h.count();
Or alternatively, simply divide your integral based duration by one double-based hours
cout << (12h+15min+99s+99ms)/1.0h << '\n';