I have a spring boot application and I am trying to merge two pdf files. The one I am getting as a byte array from another service and the one I have it locally in my resources file: /static/documents/my-file.pdf. This is the code of how I am getting byte array from my file from resources:
public static byte[] getMyPdfContentForLocale(final Locale locale) {
byte[] result = new byte[0];
try {
final File myFile = new ClassPathResource(TEMPLATES.get(locale)).getFile();
final Path filePath = Paths.get(myFile.getPath());
result = Files.readAllBytes(filePath);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error(format("Failed to get document for local %s", locale), e);
return result;
I am getting the file and getting the byte array. Later I am trying to merge this two files with the following code:
PDFMergerUtility pdfMergerUtility = new PDFMergerUtility();
pdfMergerUtility.addSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(offerDocument));
pdfMergerUtility.addSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(merkblattDocument));
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
But unfortunately it throws an error:
throw new IOException("Page tree root must be a dictionary");
I have checked and it makes this validation before it throws it:
if (!(root.getDictionaryObject(COSName.PAGES) instanceof COSDictionary))
throw new IOException("Page tree root must be a dictionary");
And I really have no idea what does this mean and how to fix it. The strangest thing is that I have created totally new project and tried the same code to merge two documents (the same documents) and it works!
Additionally what I have tried is:
Can anyone help with this?
The issue as Tilman Hausherr said is in that resource filtering that you can find in your pom file. If you have a case where you are not allowed to modify this then this approach will help you:
final String path = new
final File file = new File(path);
final Path filePath = Paths.get(file.getPath());
result = Files.readAllBytes(filePath);
and then just pass the bytes to the pdfMergerUtility object (or even the whole file instead of the list of bytes).