I am attempting to use the J2V8 library on Android to call a javascript function and pass a parameter to it. The below code is what I have, but can't figure out how to pass the bytes
ByteArray to the called function.
private fun decodePbfBytes(bytes: ByteArray?){
val params = arrayOf(bytes)
val v8 = V8.createV8Runtime()
var v8Array = V8Array(v8) //how do I add bytes to this?
val fileContents = MyApp.sharedInstance.assets.open("pbfIndex.js").bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }
val result = v8.executeStringFunction("", v8Array)
As a temporary solution, though very naive, I converted the byte array to a string of comma separated numbers then separating them in js into a byte array. Of coarse the size of the data passed around increases multi-fold. But for now that works and I can move forward with everything else.