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JPackage only returns SDK Version Number on Java 14

I recently ported our Java 11 application to the newly released Java 14 (ZuluJDK). When trying to package our Application with the new JPackage via command line, the only thing that happens, no matter which jpackage-command I'm using, is the following Output:

WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.jpackage

An example command (censored some stuff, represented by < > placeholders...):

jpackage --type app-image --verbose --input <path> --main-class <class> --main-jar ./<name>.jar --output runtime-image --name "<name>" --version 2.0.0 --vendor "<company>" --icon <icon-path>.ico

Can somebody help me what could cause this? The Output of the sdk version does not provide much help.


  • After stripping down argument after argument, I found out that providing the arguments "--version 2.0.0" was causing the issue.


    jpackage --help

    provided the following information about version, which is described and behaves differently than I expected:

          Print the product version to the output stream and exit

    So it echoed the JDK Version (14) and, as described, exited. I obviously was looking for --app-version.

    Now I get the error that something is wrong with my --output argument, but that is another issue I can hopefully fix on my side. BTW: there is a lot of Logging output once you get it running with the bare minimum arguments required.

    Thank you all for your help!