I have a block of hex data which inicludes settings of a sensor, I will include the beginning snippet of the hex (LSB first):
F501517C 8150D4DE 04010200 70010101 05F32A04 F4467000 00000AFF 0502D402
This comes straight from the documentation to decode this hex to dec:
Offset Length (bytes) Field description
0x00 6 Full identifier
0x06 40 Settings
Offset Field description
0x00 Product Type
0x01 Device Type
0x02 Software Major Version
0x03 Software Minor Version
0x04 Hardware Major Version
0x05 Hardware Minor Version
Offset Length(bit) Offset(bit) Default value Min Max Field Description
0x00 8 0 0 0 255 Country number
0x01 8 0 0 0 255 District number
0x02 16 0 0 0 9999 Sensor number
This being the only information I have to decode this. The offset column must be the trick to understanding this.
The given hex bytes are byte offset from the beginning of the data.
Assuming that your given dump is little endian 32-bit, let's have a look:
Value in dump - separated in bytes - bytes in memory
F501517C - F5 01 51 7C - 7C 51 01 F5
8150D4DE - 81 50 D4 DE - DE D4 50 81
04010200 - 04 01 02 00 - 00 02 01 04
Now let's assign them to the fields. The next list has both records concatenated.
Byte Offset Field description
7C 0x00 Product Type
51 0x01 Device Type
01 0x02 Software Major Version
F5 0x03 Software Minor Version
DE 0x04 Hardware Major Version
D4 0x05 Hardware Minor Version
Byte Offset Length(bit) Offset(bit) Default value Min Max Field Description
50 0x00 8 0 0 0 255 Country number
81 0x01 8 0 0 0 255 District number
00,02 0x02 16 0 0 0 9999 Sensor number
Whether the result makes sense, is your decision: